Is Your Subconscious Holding You Back From Healing?
Filed under: Stress & Lifestyle;by
I get plenty of emails from people all over the world asking for advice and help to overcome their struggle with Leaky Gut Syndrome. And after talking with them and hearing so many stories it has become quite evident to me that in many cases, people are just not ready to heal.
Of course, on the outside they express their eagerness to overcome their health problems but that is only coming from the outer conscious mind. But what they don’t know is that it’s the inner subconscious mind that plays a far bigger role in whether or not you are ready to heal.
And science is now studying the subconscious mind more and more and finding that the subconscious mind is far more active, purposeful, and independent than what they first thought.
The Importance of the Subconscious Mind
Think of it like this. Your subconscious mind is the unconscious part of your mind that runs in the background without you even knowing it. It contains all of your personal and social programming and is responsible for greatly influencing your decision making.
Of course, you might think that you’re decision making is based entirely on what’s logical but that’s just not the case.
Studies on the subconscious mind have shown that people become motivated to clean whenever there is the faintest small of cleaner in the air. Another study showed that people automatically become more competitive whenever there’s a briefcase in sight.
It’s triggers like these in our environment that cause our subconscious mind to react in certain ways without us even realizing it.
So it’s very important to understand your subconscious mind so that you can understand why you make some of the unhealthy decisions that you make and consequently reprogram it to make healthier ones.
The Subconscious Mind and Leaky Gut Syndrome
Could you be unconsciously holding on to your health problems because of some unknown and unconscious reason?
Maybe you’ve learned to play the role of the victim and use your chronic symptoms as a crutch in life. And if you removed that crutch then subconsciously you feel like you can’t live up to certain expectations. So you hold on to your chronic symptoms through self sabotage in order to lower those expectations.
Or maybe you’ve been enduring your chronic symptoms for so long that you now identify yourself with them. And if you were to heal then you would have nothing left to identify with. So unconsciously, you do whatever it takes to maintain your identity because without it you’d be lost.
I’m sure some of this may seem farfetched but I assure you that it’s very real for many people but you’re just not aware of it on a conscious level.
But it’s not your fault and there is something that you can do about it if and when you are ready to.
Changing Your Subconscious Thought Patterns
The first step of changing your subconscious mind is to become aware of your actions.
When you become aware of your actions, you can begin to notice bad habits and repetitive patterns that you have developed which are holding you back from achieving your goals.
Maybe you jump from doctor to doctor or protocol to protocol without ever giving any single one a chance to really work because something more important always comes up.
Or maybe you’ve even gotten so far as to make some progress with your health but then find yourself going backwards and falling right back to where you started because you fell back into poor eating habits.
Once you begin to pick up on and notice these dis-empowering actions then you can begin to catch yourself before you do them. And then you can begin to reprogram your subconscious by choosing to replace it with a healthier empowering action that instead will help you get one step closer to overcoming Leaky Gut Syndrome and your chronic symptoms.
4 responses to “Is Your Subconscious Holding You Back From Healing?” 
I think this is so true. I think I have been doing this for a long time. Thank you for printing this and sharing your knowledge.
Sabine May 27th, 2011 at 04:20
Karin, I absolutely agree. Since doing eft / merdian tapping to overcome emtional imbalance, I have actually changed into a different and better person. And I have learned indeed that my mind has very much to do with the condition of my body. Currently, I am listening to a short audio I have recorded to tell my subconscious that “I am happy and grateful for my colon health”. By changing your subconsious, you can really change your life. Great that you have added this to your blog. Love, Sabine
I recommend yoga for this therapy. I think you were dead on in this post. Great work!
Karen, Thank-you, as I believe the more we understand about the mind-gut connection the better. I have been struggling with constipation all my life. I changed my diet significantly 6 months ago, and have tracked my food intake in a journal since then. However, it has become very clear that even when I’m eating well, I can still get constipated. I feel certain now that my constipation is related to emotional issues. I have also realised that those emotional issues can be arising beneath the level of my awareness and that my bowel muscles can start to contract and withhold without my knowing what the problem is. This is a very interesting field of study and I’d greatly appreciate any more information you have about it.
Gina May 26th, 2011 at 14:55