Leaky Gut Syndrome Natural Health Advice for Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome
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    I Need Your Opinion

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    I get a quite a few emails from people who have used my program as well as others who have just picked up a few tips from me here or there. And it’s motivating to hear that my work is touching the lives of so many people who I’ve never met personally.

    But I also get some emails from skeptics and those who have been misinformed about their health that can’t quite seem to let go of their false thought processes and they refuse to accept that they do have the choice to heal themselves and regain their health.

    That’s why I wanted to get your opinion on an email that I recently received because I was a little taken aback by the nature of it, especially after the conversation that I had prior with this gentleman…

    I got an email from a man named Johnny a couple of days ago who sounded genuinely concerned about overcoming his gut problems and multiple chronic symptoms. And after taking the time to give him my personal advice, I wasn’t prepared for the email he sent me last night.

    Here’s the email he sent me…

    And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.

    To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.

    And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.

    What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…

    – Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?


    – Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?


    (by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)

    I really want your opinion on this…

    I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.

    Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.


    And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.

    To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.

    And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.

    What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…

    – Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?

    – Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?

    (by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has

    And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.

    To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.

    And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.

    What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…

    – Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?


    – Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?


    (by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)

    I really want your opinion on this…

    I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.

    Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.

    been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)

    I really want your opinion on this…

    I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.

    Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.

    If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed and get notified of new posts. Thanks for visiting!

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50 responses to “I Need Your Opinion” RSS icon

  • Jeanne Mooberry

    NO you are not wasting your time. You are sharing valuable nutritional information that is truly unavailable in the medical community. You guide people to better health. The critic would have a different response if he had actually tried the program.

  • I have read and reread all your emails and even mentioned all the info to my homeopath who firmly believes in the validity of your info. I’ve tried the diet changes myself and it really does work. I agree with Jeanne, Johnny should try the program before posting a negative response.

  • I think you are doing a great job. Often if I find something that someone does not necessarily have scientific proof of being true, I give it a try (if it is natural and not risky). If he is so skeptical, why does he not give your advice a try to prove you either right or wrong?

  • Hey Johnny – get a life!

    Over 90% of alternative health methods work whereas over 95% of conventional methods DON’T – the stuff that mainstream “medicine” gets right is mostly by blind luck. They’re in it for the money, not to make you well.

    Good luck to you Johnny, you ARE going to need it.

    I know which I prefer!

    See below:

    Is modern medicine more science or religion?
    In its quest for objectivity medicine has rejected its spiritual roots and lost sight of its humanity. It cannot be but a reflection of the culture from which it has emerged. It arrogantly rejects the wisdom of thousands of years of human history, is fragmented to the point of dissociation, devoid of common sense, preoccupied with short-term material goals, slave to its financial overlords, and utterly lacking in the requisite spiritual knowledge that would enable it to find its way out of its self-imposed foolishness.

  • I have leaky gut and I have been researching this through a lot of avenues, this being just one. I feel that you are addressing a piece of a very complex puzzle. You have presented the problem very well, and feel this is a good start to wellness.

    I don’t know who this person is who thinks it’s snake oil. Perhaps if they had suffered for years like I have with a yeast issue, causing trips to the hospital because of ulcerative colitis, he would be saying something different.

    Also, you are not the only one stating this. I’m currently reading a book by Dr. William Crook and in his book, he lists other doctors. This is just not a well known issue that doctors are taught in medical school. That doesn’t mean it does not exist and is not causing many, many health issues the U.S. is having at the current time.

  • Dear Karen,
    I know you have a good intent and you have created this progam from compassion as you’ve gone through this yourself.
    This fella likes being a victim because he writes as one. My question is why does it matter to you unless you are mirroring the victim right now in your life? Honestly Karen I want to send you courage and empowerment because this is really not a good idea to bring a small minded complainer to the attention of persons who trust you for advice.
    Remind yourself girl just who you are and what your purpose is. Let this go like yesterday’s rain.

  • I have not tried your program but have read your website information and received many comprehensive emails from you. I have not joined your program because of any lack I see in your content, I am just choosing to heal myself in a more holistic way for now. Best wishes to you and the work you do.

  • For 15 years I saw many doctors and specialists (including gastroenterologists) in relation to multiple problems I had with my intestine. My main concern was constipation and sadly not one of many professionals could help me despite undergoing 2 gastroscopies and 2 colonoscopies. In desperation I turned to the internet and found an article by a well respected liver specialist. Turns out (after following her advice) that I had stones formed by bile, cholesterol and bacteria blocking my bile ducts. The stones were porous so for years they were essentially nests for bacteria. To compound the problem I also had parasites attached to the inside of my liver and worms large enough to see in my stools. Eventually I removed about 45 large stones and 500-700 small stones from my digestive system. I also had to kill the parasites. It was these stones and parasites that contributed towards my leaky gut condition. Everything I have learned about Leaky gut made complete sense to me including the symptoms that I suffered; constipation, bad breath, insomnia, skin rashes, depression. Following the advice of a small few has helped me overcome the dibillitating and very real condition of leaky gut. You may not like the advice, its not what you want to hear. Ignore it at your own peril.

  • He’s suffering from the same lack in clarity that most logically minded people are, specifically, that unless you have scientific proof of something, then it can’t be true.

    This is what happens when people with a low IQ try to think! Not having evidence of something, only proves that you don’t have evidence of something! Doesn’t mean it’s not true.

    I highly doubt any ill harm has come from your diet/routine, and I would expect pretty much everybody to have at least some improvement from it. I know I did.

    And if anyone’s reading this that is completely in awe of science, medicine, technology etc, then ask yourselves why there’s still no cure for the common cold, or AIDs, or cancer, or asthma, or excema, or… need I go on?

    Science is only SO good. Sometimes you have to concentrate on what works and what doesn’t, rather than what you can ‘prove’ works.

  • No, you are not wasting your time. It is the medical community in general that is selling snake oil. It is big business and pharmaceutical companies that are selling snake oil. If not for people like you who think in alternative ways I would have been dead many years ago. You are the real deal and you offer this information for next to nothing. That man sounds like someone who doesn’t want to do what he needs to do. He sounds like someone who is looking for an easy out. I feel bad for him.

  • I believe that the single best way of improving your health is to find the answers inside yourself – and wanting to be better. It is often case the problem that people are depressed or stressed and don’t even realise it, and they follow what is often good advice, that definitely will improve their quality of life – but only if they are truly open to it and WANT to get better. Without this want to live and truly be part of life, nothing truly can help you. You need faith in yourself to be strong, to be happy, to accept your life, and allow the good advice and lifestyle to actually work for you. This point is often not addressed, but it should be made much more strongly and clearly. Money can be wasted on anything that might help if you don’t have the correct frame of mind. I believe that the advice you give is sound, but the psychological healing must also be in place, the body and mind must work together – there are no quick fixes or magic pills in life.

  • I think ‘personal attack’ is way too strong a phrase to describe at least those few sentences.

    That is a legitimate argument and opinion. Granted you may not like it, or agree, but the first part is fact and the second is someone’s personal opinion based on that fact.

    And my opinion is if your going to build websites and write about medical conditions, even if you have the medical condition, then be prepared for random people to say things like this and much worse. In fact I would say it is par for the course. Everywhere you look on the subject there are people ‘selling’ their cure. And they can’t all work and yet since you aren’t really practicing medicine no one including you can really measure the validity of your statements.

    You think youre doing a good job. I’m sure others feel this way too. But there is nothing ‘wrong’ in that persons comment. You are not a doctor. Fact. You give medical advice because you feel qualified to do so, eventhough you have no credentials. Fact. That man does not feel it’s appropriate. Fact.

    …so again, you can’t counter these statements are false and trying to do so really is just an exercise in rationalization, so you are better off just deleting stuff like this if it bothers you and you want to keep doing what you are doing, because you can’t argue these type of arguments and win.

    Personally I keep an eye on what you say, although I have found a number of things that are not correct for me and were made out to be great solutions that would be terrible solutions for me. So I see some value in what you are trying to do although I mainly just keep an ear out just to hear what’s going on.

  • Janette Elphinstone


    I have not been able to follow all the information you have given me but due to my chronic diarrhea problems I have managed to take on board enough of what you have said to turn my life round. It has only been a month since I started but I no longer have to spend my time looking for the loo when I go out. I sleep better, enjoy my food more and generally enjoy life more than I did before I came across your website.

    How could I not thank you for improving my life

    Kind regards Janette (Middle East)

  • Karen Brimeyer

    I couldn’t agree more Ian and this is why I talk about having the “Mindset” for healing in my program which is very important. The truth is that if you don’t want to heal, you won’t.

  • Hi Karen, Uuuuuuummmmm – the “scientific research” Johnny is going on about is probably the same “scientific research” that the big Pharmas use before they release their wonderfully safe and effective drugs onto the market for the betterment of mankind 😉 Gee, those drugs work so well for all ailments, but it’s a pity there’s no drug for Leaky Gut, hey ! Well, I guess that’s where you come in to the picture – somebody has to address this horrible condition, by providing sound advice to folks like us. Who cares whether or not you have research. All I care about is if it works for me. And I’m not stupid enough to listen to any old advice that might harm me – I know if what somebody is telling me is likely to be dangerous. If Johnny has tried seeing doctors for his gut problems, with no luck at all, then why isn’t he calling THEM the snake oil salesmen ? He hasn’t even tried your program, so how on earth can he be even vaguely qualified to make any sort of judgement about what you are offering ? Does he ask his doctors to provide scientific research for the drugs they ply him with ? I doubt that there would be any sort of research available in that field…. don’t they test the drugs out on poor defenceless animals first and then on humans, and if no one dies, they put it on the market ? Pretty flimsy foundations if you ask me. I’m afraid Johhny is a bit of a sour puss!!

    PS I trust your program – I’ve read a lot of info about Leaky Gut from different sources, and you’re program is in line with all other holistic advice from top notch integrative doctors, out there today.

  • Karen Brimeyer

    Hi Felicia,

    No, his email doesn’t bother me one bit. I just need to know how others feel so I can direct my blog, program, and other resources that I’m working on accordingly. If a lot of people felt this way then I think I would utilize my time more wisely.

  • Karen Brimeyer

    Actually, ever since medical research has studied and proved the existence of leaky gut (even though very few doctors are up to date on the research), one of the first things they began to do was formulate a new a drug for it. But I haven’t heard anything lately regarding where they are in development.

  • Hi Karen,

    I think this guy has a very small mind and is not open to at least try and look into what else is available to treat digestive illness.

    I would just have testimonies which I am sure you do on the protocol to help with all the different digestive illness’s out there.

    My opinion is that you are doing a great thing and that there are not that many people out there sharing the knowledge that you are to help people with digestive disorders.

    Keep up the great work!

  • Hi Karen,

    Coming from the prospective as a nurse and as a person who works in prayer-counseling with others even through the process of my own need and subsequent help received in many areas, I recognize with you that there are people who need your program because they have had severe trauma and stresses in their lives that need healing spirit, soul AND body. What Johnny said to you could have been a lot worse, not because it would be true, but because many of us have such deep levels of hurt… You are in a position to help him, perhaps he is lashing out to you to see if you will give up on him before he even starts. Perhaps somewhere deep inside, his fear is greater than his desire or strength to try “another thing” to help… perhaps??? I believe his first email was his sincere heart… the second, his fear talking (his false beliefs), thus he lashed out to protect himself. I think the best approach is to stand firm, continue to offer your support to him and wish him the best. I hope he tries the program… It’s really helping me!

    Another thing I found interesting when I read your bio in the beginning of your program was “Functional Medicine”… I had to look this up and really liked what I saw because it deals with problems that occur physically BECAUSE of imbalances in input including “traumas”… I think that’s what were seeing in Johnny. It’s your vision to help people with the body aspect… I pray he gets the right help for the soul and spirit aspects as well so he can get some relief and true peace in his life.

  • Theresa Durrheim

    I think that poor Johnny is a desperate person still hoping the doctors will help out but in reality the doctors do not know how to treat leaky gut and invariably, in desperation, they just prescribe cortisone or some other gastric meds that only make it worse. I have found your blog and suggestions on how to treat leaky gut syndrome very helpful. I have tried a number of your suggestions and am please to say that I am really feeling much better lately. I have also started digestive enzymes and lots of garlic which seems to be working perfectly.

    Keep up your good work and helping others!!

  • Dear Karen

    As you mention, this man never tried your program, so no leg to stand on. I stopped eating gluten, dairy and sugar and has no more problems. Also used glutagenics and codliver oil as well as probiotics.

    He would have noticed a mayor health shift, if only he would have tried.

  • Here’s the deal. The basic principles you promote have helped me tremendously after doctor after doctor couldn’t. I simply went gluten free 5 months ago and have had a healthy reduction in unwanted weight, more energy, and resolution to a slow stomach problem I have had for years which oh by the way several doctors couldn’t solve. Sometimes common sense simply escapes science. Call it snake oil or basic principles. Never the less it works for me.

  • I have a lot of respect for you. Your material is “cutting edge”, so expect a significant segment of society to be suspicious of the unknown. Our society is divided in many ways, including in the area of how to take care of ourselves. I am a psychotherapist, so I have become accustomed to getting criticized when I least expect it. I have been making a conscious effort of staying in contact with people who have many of my beliefs around health and health care, so this helps me stay confident in what I believe. I think you are very refreshing, and very accurate in what you have to share with us. Please stay with us. I wish your were a colleague of mine.

  • Hi Karen,

    The majority of alternative health care solutions often receive unfair criticism simply because there aren’t 2 or 3 double blinded research trials to back up their favorable results. In my opinion many of the mainstream “treatments” are actually doing more harm than good to the patients that use them. A growing conflict of interest exists between large drug companies and western world healthcare. No longer do physicians seek the source of illnesses, but rather choose to mask them under the destructive effects of lucrative name brand medications. In my opinion, if your patients are seeing benefits from the treatment regimes that you advocate, then by all means continue to provide this information to them. Having been” bounced around” in the system for 10 years, I know how frustrating it can be to be on your own with a quest for good health. I would recommend that you post testimonies (YouTube footage) from the numerous clients who have benefited from your treatment program. The unfortunate reality is that there are many crooks out there who do in fact take advantage of the vulnerability of sick and desperate people by selling “natural” products that are nothing but placebos. You would not have asked the opinion of your many clients if you did not truly care about their well-being and were motivated by good intentions. I hope my opinion has been of some use to you. Have a blessed day!

  • Karen Brimeyer

    Hi Alan,

    Good point and I do have a link to a list of Success Stories of people who have tried my program below the header of my blog.

  • I’ve heard comments such as these before. These are people who live in a fear base. Since my doctor as well as an naturopath and nutritionist have all diagnosed me with leaky gut syndrome, it certainly does exist. You can look up the scientific proof online. Pictures and all. what, how and when you eat certainly has an effect. And if you want tangible proof, take specific blood tests for food allergies. If no one has suffered from your program, ignore the naysayers. WE know. You don’t purport to be a doctor. You are simply a sufferer (former) who found something that works and have shared it.

  • Paula Bielenberg

    When you are really sick like a lot of us with Leaky Gut are there is a whole heap of FEAR involved. Will I ever get better? Does anyone know what is really wrong with me? Many of us who have been sick for a while will also have been promised the miracle cure, spent thousands and be no better off. My personal journey has been like that. Karen’s book made more sense to me than most anything else I had ever read. I was filled with HOPE again. Hope is a really nice feeling. I think the first comment that everyone is responding too came from someone who is FEARFUL and we have all been there and can relate to those doubts. I wish him well on his journey and am very comfortable with him having different thoughts or feelings to me. I don’t judge him for that. 1000 different people will have 1000 different views. My journey is the only one I should really get too worked up about – and I feel like I am on an amazing journey. I believe that I am going to get better and for the little bit that I have outlayed I can’t lose.

    Buddha says….
    Believe Nothing.
    No matter where you read it,
    or who said it, unless it agrees
    with your own common sense.

    Sounds like for the original writer Karen’s material wasn’t resonating with him. Perhaps something else or someone else will.

    I wish him well.


  • I have had 3 doctors in the past 5 years say I am a hypochondriac, and that what I have is normal. Give me pain medication for the headaches(which did nothing) the birth control pill to “regulate” the hormones. So for someone to take the time to try things out for herself, and tell people to try it is great. I have no patience or trust in doctors. I someone doesn’t like something then stop and move on! As far as I am concerned, prescribed medication is the snake oil not thoroughly tested and has side effects worse that the original symptoms. If you read information about how to eat……Karen is right with all the others….the more natural get rid of sugar the better. You don’t have to agree with everything everyone says.

  • Keep up the good work :)) there’s nothing wrong with wanting to help people , why is it that if medical science can not lable it – people won’t believe 🙂 what happend to faith ! You don’t make false claims you just give genuine advice it’s up to the individual to listen and act on it or ignore it !!

    Keep going , Shaun


  • Ellen O'Reilly

    I agree with Carolyn. You are upfront about your credentials and have told your story as a former sufferer so that other people could benefit from your experience. There is nothing in your program that is dangerous. It’s all natural methods, real food, pure supplements. You did the research to get yourself well and I’m sure your research included numerous sources from qualified people and scientists. This is not something you just made up. You also have many clients who have benefitted tremendously, confirming that it does work. There is nothing wrong with that.

    I have done tons of research on my own over the years and know your information is sound. I am trying to incorporate all of the principles you have shared into my busy life. I wish it was easier, but there is no single pill that will do the job. It’s a process of healing, just as it was a long process getting into this situation. People always want an easy, convenient fix for things. That’s why the drug industry has done so well. But they are now realizing that much of what is offered is just a band-aid or coverup that causes more problems and that they must do the work to heal the underlying causes.

    This man is right to be skeptical because of all of the scammers on the internet these days. But if he thoroughly read your website and tried it, he would see that it not only helps, but ends the problem and gives you back your life. I think it’s obvious which websites are trying to scam you and which ones are for real. I will report back as I get further into the program. Thanks.

  • So, what is real help mean? Does that mean a series of GI studies exposing you to massive amounts of radiation and show nothing. Is real help, antibiotics, antifungals that contribute to the underlying problems? Or maybe he means things like antacids and prescription medication that masque the underlying issues. I have been dealing with this issue for about 20 years and have been through everything from the medical perspective and through natural approaches. I am a recent purchaser of the program but from what I have read and seen so far the approach Karen has laid out is the most organized and comprehensive. The cost is reasonable and she is available if you have questions, what more could you ask for. I am a chiropractor so I have been hearing criticism for the medical professtion with the same lame assertions yet have gotton zero help from them on this issue. In fact they have made it worse. When I went to a GI specialist several years ago and told him I had leaky gut, he didn’t know what that was. So Karen I hope this does not deter you, what you are offering has tremendous value, take it from someone who has spent years reading different literature, implemented multiple programs and spent tens of thousands of dollars on doctors, supplements and meds.

  • Couldn’t have said it better! There are no quick fixes for anything. Doctors are NOT gods. Medications are NOT the answer to everything that befalls us. In fact, if we’d all change our minds, outlook, lifestyle, fears, and do more homeopathic, naturopathic, natural, and therapeutic things in our lives ( and the lives of our children ) we’d ALL be healthier and that would fix the health care system perfectly!

  • Mark Twain said it best: there are lies, damn lies and statistics. Big pharma companies have the deep pockets to do research, then manipulate it to say whatever they want it to while the FDA plays along.

    Meanwhile, Americans just get sicker and sicker.

    Individual results and anecdotal evidence are not the so-called “gold standard” that a double-blind placebo controlled study is, but they still provide valid information.

    Sounds like Johnny’s in for a miserable life, what little is left of it.

  • I am a healthcare worker of many many years, annnd I am skeptical of many “cure-alls but I also have my own opinion about the AMA, and the Pharmaceutical companies. I do my own research, and know that many of the “cures” promoted by Pharmaceutical companies have more long term side effects that can be life threatening or even fatal. I think that a little common sense is god given, and should be used. I see many of the things that I have been doing, with a logical diet, that have helped, and I therefore don’t see anything of a “snake-oil” nature. One of the earlier comments, I concur with, try the diet, this is in the free newsletter, so I don’t think there is money to be made for simply helping someone?!

  • I became chronic with symptoms before I even knew there was a diagnosis of “leaky gut”. I have worked in health care for many years, and I know that we are trained to have a good “bedside” manner, even if we omit the truth, or make comforting remarks and do not listen to the complaints, but just treat the symptoms. Labs are only as effective as the people running them, or the lab tests that are done. If you don’t check the labs for the appropriate condition, such as food allergies, or hormone levels, and simply do the labs that are covered by your insurance company there is NOTHING that is going to be resolved. I look on clinical trials all the time, and the only things that are there are popular acute conditions. If you are chronic there is not a Pharmaceutical company interested in you, because it is only “AGE related” and nothing can cure ld age!

  • I don’t agree with Johnny email. I believe much of what you have written is helpful. Every body is different so some things work better for one and maybe no as well for another. Most of the things you have recommended have been helpful to me. I wasn’t able to tolerate some of the supplements.

  • Hi Karen —
    Quite frankly, I would have most likely committed suicide had I not learned about Leaky Gut Syndrome. I had felt REALLY HORRID for two years, and had gone all the conventional route, even including an MRI can of my brain, which I had to pay for out of my pocket. I was literally desperate. No doctor could give me any solid advice or diagnosis, and mostly they just shrugged their shoulders. I had a consistent temperature of 94.3 (yup), was always nauseous, functioned only enough to keep my business afloat, was depressed, dizzy, was exhausted all the time, kept bumping into walls because my equilibrium was so off, etc., etc. When I finally discovered information about Leaky Gut, I thought, how hard could this be to see if it worked. After four days of following the Leaky Gut protocol, I was giddy with energy, could hardly wait to clean out drawers, etc. I started riding my horses again after two years of just staring at them in pasture —- it was like a miracle. Modern medicine needs to acknowledge the affect of diet on our well-being, and how the mind/body connection really works. THANKS so much for all your hard work, Karen. I can only imagine the lives you’ve impacted, and certainly saved along the way.

  • Dear Karen,
    You are not wasting your time..you are incredibly generous with the information you have gathered and have helped improve the lives of many. Perhaps Johnny will read the testimonies and consider doing your program. Thank you for all of your help and support..Julie

  • I agree with Jeanne. I have been through the strange symptoms with my husband. He was only 32 and was a former boxer and fitness junkie, yet doctors wanted to diagnose him with fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrom and put him on pain meds for the rest of his life. He also had debilitating migranes and constant stomach issues. We refused to accept the diagnosis, but our primary physician was at a loss. We finally went to a functioanl medicine facility and got a real diagnosis. Leaky gut, candida, and gluten intolerance were causing all of his symptoms and he started feeling better within three weeks of the diet. When we told our primary physician about the diagnosis, he said, “They don’t teach us that in Med School!” Our helath care system is run by the pharmacutical companies, so why would they research something that can be cured without a pill! (Don’t even get me started!!) Karen, your system works and it is a fraction of the cost as going to a functinal medicine facility. Some people are just in denial about their health and unfortunately it’s really hard for anyone to recognize that they are in denial until they come out on the other side of it.

  • Ellen O'Reilly

    Thank you Carolyn. Your response was very succinct as well. We are of the same mindset.

  • Unfortunately, this is a problem we often come across with alternative/natural medicine. People want scientific proof. Well each to their own. I know it’s hard to place your faith in something mainly due to testimonials of others (what about the people it didn’t work for that I may not know about). However, if one is truly ready to get well, I feel they will do their own research to help them decide what works. I made my decision based on what I’d learnt about herbal remedies so far (and my gut feeling). But also I believed Karen was not charging an extortionate price. For me, this gave evidence as to her intention (to reach people and help people). I felt the price was a small risk to take. We could ask Karen to embark on a laborious research process to try and scientifically prove the techniques she uses or provide success statistics, but I feel it’s not necessary and would take her away from the important work she is doing.. I say to John – research yourself. I’m sure a lot of what she is using has been clinically proven and the rest at least proven to do no harm. What’ve you got to lose by giving it a go? It worked for me:)

  • Karen you are not selling or advising any type of hog wash. In 2009, I was genetically tested through a cheek swab test recommended by a Board Certified Nutritionist. My test results confirmed that I carry 2 of the HLA-DQ1 gene (gluten intolerant gene). My nutritionist told me that the 1st step I needed to do was to omit gluten from my diet to heal my leaky gut syndrome. Johnny, please do your homework. Visit http://www.glutenfreesociety.org. or read the book “Dangerous Grains” by James Braly, M.D.

  • You are ON track and nothing else!
    When you are sick (like me, Johnny and many others) and don´t get any help from the medical doctors at hospitals and elsewhere it wears you down. And at that point you would love to find someone who can take care of everything (like a good parent when you are a small child) and heal you back to good health. And when you realize that there is no one out there that will or can help you (or it will take a long time and effort to find that help) it´s hard and you feel very abandoned. When you are that worn down you are very stressed and as we all know anger and rage towards other people, society, politicians or the cat may strike down from a clear blue sky because of the adrenalin in the stressed system. I guess this time Johnny in his distress used the old “scientific research card” to release some frustration.
    Since there is nothing to lose by trying to heal yourself by changing your eating habits according to the Leaky Gut Cure I don´t really see why you need any scientific research. It´s just proper food and nourishment! No strange pills with who knows what in them…
    Keep up your good work, Karen! Thank you for trying to help us help ourselves!

  • Here’s the deal. The basic principles you promote have helped me tremendously after doctor after doctor couldn’t. I simply went gluten free 5 months ago and have had a healthy reduction in unwanted weight, more energy, and resolution to a slow stomach problem I have had for years which oh by the way several doctors couldn’t solve. Sometimes common sense simply escapes science. Call it snake oil or basic principles. Never the less it works for me. Thanks and take care. 


  • I think what you’re doing is very good, informative, and caring.

  • Karen Brimeyer

    That’s part of the problem. There’s no money to be made from natural medicine because you can’t patent a natural herb or supplement. So unfortunately, there’s no investment money to fund the research.

  • I don’t agree with his opinion at all. You did in fact do alot of research into this problem and collaberated with actual doctors in presenting the helpful material on leaky gut. It’s the actual physical results of improvement that are more important than scientific studies. That is my opinion.

  • No. You are pretty in line with what my nutritionist says. Sometimes having the personal experiences you’ve had can really help in terms of relating to them. I am on three different types of supplements that are comparable to what you recommend and they help me alot with my leaky gut. You advice of food avoidances could not be more true also!

  • There may not be socially accepted scientific evidence to back up everything you claim, but there actually is evidence for the majority of it as far as I know.

    I know for a fact that systemic yeast infections (when it gets in the bloodstream) is real. My chiropractor did this (probably illegal but awesome) thing where he pricked some blood from my finger, then put it in a slide under a microscope. Inside, I saw YEAST CELLS, which actually looked like tiny mold spores in themselves- white and circular. He said they were yeast cells, and the images I’ve seen of them on the internet match what I saw.
    Not only did we see yeast cells, but we also saw T-cells! He said he didn’t typically see T-cells.

    Considering this on top of all of the fact that your program has helped me and I had a lot of the symptoms you list as symptoms, I think most of your information is pretty believable. I know it’s helped me a lot.

    Also, my ADD medication actually has become obsolete since I started taking the probiotics.

  • Hi there to you all!!! and especially you dear Karen. No, you are not wasting your time at all!!!! I have followed some of your advice and felt a whole lot better. I also found out that I was gluten intolerant. Once I stopped gluten, I lost 5 cm in my waist!!!!! Just by stopping to eat gluten… I am very much involved with the Healthy Urband Kitchen programme and feel better for it too but, I need to go the extra mile and do your whole programme. It is more than needed and I will keep you posted on progress. Keep it up Karen, don’t let comments like that undermine anything you do!!!! I do look forward to your next post and wish you all the best.
    Marie-Jeanne from Belgium in Europe

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