I Need Your Opinion
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I get a quite a few emails from people who have used my program as well as others who have just picked up a few tips from me here or there. And it’s motivating to hear that my work is touching the lives of so many people who I’ve never met personally.
But I also get some emails from skeptics and those who have been misinformed about their health that can’t quite seem to let go of their false thought processes and they refuse to accept that they do have the choice to heal themselves and regain their health.
That’s why I wanted to get your opinion on an email that I recently received because I was a little taken aback by the nature of it, especially after the conversation that I had prior with this gentleman…
I got an email from a man named Johnny a couple of days ago who sounded genuinely concerned about overcoming his gut problems and multiple chronic symptoms. And after taking the time to give him my personal advice, I wasn’t prepared for the email he sent me last night.
Here’s the email he sent me…
And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.
To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.
And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.
What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…
– Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?
– Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?
(by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)
I really want your opinion on this…
I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.
Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.
And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.
To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.
And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.
What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…
– Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?
– Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?
(by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has
And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.
To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.
And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.
What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…
– Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?
– Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?
(by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)
I really want your opinion on this…
I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.
Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.
been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)
I really want your opinion on this…
I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.
Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.
50 responses to “I Need Your Opinion” 
As i was planning i happened to come accross a show i hadnt seen before. The Dr.Oz show. And they basically reconfirmed what i had read in your program. I have been on you diet suggestions and a gut supplement plan. Happy to say 1 week naproxen free and almost no pain. Also 70% hand function. Idk i see specialists in a cpl months still. Idk what to talk about when i see them lol. All i did was pray for a cure or answer to what is wrong with me and idk but what your program suggests have almost answered them all. Ty
Steve May 6th, 2013 at 10:27
Hi Karen,
From the begining I could say that Johnny is wrong or bad intended (or paid for …).
To make such afirmation you have to be out of any anatomical knowledge of our body .
I really appreciate your work,Karen and let Johnny study more ,understand more about the “New mainstream medicine ,FDA, big Pharma,AMA etc..” wich are working hand in hand in order to make the people more sick then they are,spending more on medicine and doctor services then on good food (without all the additives, MSG,HFCS all other chemicals etc…) ,and by treating just the symptoms not the root cause of the sicknesses .After that he may be will change his way to think and appreciate the work people like you, Karen.
All the respect for you Karen !!!
Have a great day with better tomorrows !!! -
Joani May 10th, 2013 at 12:41
Even doctors who have studied are only guessing.
I believe that each one of us has to take responsibility for how we treat our body and what we put into it. While investigation is good, sometimes one just has to try.
While I haven’t tried your techniques, because I won’t pay for one more book….we each have to make that decision.
Jasmine Grace May 11th, 2013 at 12:12
Hi Karen,
I do understand where he’s coming from in the sense that there are many people out there who really do dupe sick people into paying them bucketloads of money for “cures” that don’t work (or, even worse, make them sicker). It’s just a shame that he thought you were one of those people.
I need proof before I’ll try something too, but I would never just assume that there is no evidence for your program simply because you don’t have links to research articles on your website. I also understand that some solutions in life just seem to work without anyone knowing exactly why.
The reasons I thought your program seemed credible:
I have done extensive research over the years and discovered that many conditions are interrelated without causing each other or any other obvious link. There seems to be no answers to this in the literature. So I was always on the lookout for something which would suggest a common link – and when I saw the list of syndromes that you propose can be caused by leaky gut, and this list matched my list of mysteriously linked health conditions, I knew there was some truth to what you were saying.
I had suspected for a long time that diet had something more to do with my fibromyalgia than just the IBS I suffered from.
It only cost me $40 to buy the program and I wasn’t obligated to consult you or pay for the privelege of emailing you. That indicated to me that this was not a scam but that you really cared.
I compared your nutritional advice to the repetoire of advice from other sources that I have compiled over the years- and it matched up. -
Jasmine Grace May 11th, 2013 at 12:18
Hi Joani,
I wasted time and money on many treatments too… this is the first one that worked for me though! Don’t give up just as you come to the one that might actually work! It costs $40 to just follow the diet and lifestyle tips, which will make a huge difference to your health (if you’re like me), and that’s without you buying the supplements suggested in the program.
I used to be bedridden with fibromyalgia for a year and now I’m studying a full-time Science degree at uni… that’s what I call improvement!
Albert May 17th, 2013 at 15:43
Hi Karen,
As a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) I have a Master’s Degree in Anesthesiology. This guy either works for the allopathic syndicate trying to undermine what you do, or he doesn’t understand that all ther research is controlled by the medical-pharmaceutical complex. They don’t really want to cure anything. The beautiful thing about a Free-Market economy is that people can choose what they want and if it doesn’t work, then they can try something else or someone else. I wouldn’t trust the government or quasi governmental research alone to render a verdict on whether something works or not! Have you seen Atlas Shrugged!!! I went to 4 respected MDs for my condition and not one of them knew why my C-reactive protein was elevated without signs of infection! They all wanted to put me on steroids and supress my immune system, but they could not tell me why my immune system was revved up? Anyway, being a doctor means that you’ve jumped through all the hurdles (the controlling elite want new doctors to regurgitate their information) and then you are indoctrinated to their liking and you are now pronounced a doctor, provided you’ve paid all your school bills (a racquet in itself)… Blow this guy off and do what you do and believe! I know more people in functional medicine that practice from the heart so to speak! I also know plenty of regular physicians who only care about$$$$. Not practicing from the heart. God is with us and only a few of us know what is truly going on in this world… BTW have you seen that ridiculous drug commercial for a chemo drug that knocks out your immune system to alleviate symptoms of psoriasis!!!! Tell this guy to read that study!!!
Wendy June 6th, 2013 at 17:28
I would rather be fixed for life then have a dr put a bandaid on my sickness. Maybe skeptical people have never had nausea 24/7.
Jennifer June 8th, 2013 at 09:22
I do not agree with Johnny. I think what you do is very helpful to a lot of people. I appreciate what you do, information and options are what we need. Ultimately it’s our responsibility to heal ourselves, information and options help us to make informed decisions.
gerald dautreuil June 15th, 2013 at 22:36
i just started the last 30% of things i need to do to start feeling better about 5 days ago. allergies, ecrematous dermatitus, spinal stenosis, constipation are not going to hurt me so much soon with your help. i’m trying to get help everywhere, but you’re my best bet. already, tonight, for the first time in some 5 years, i’ve only had a normal meal for dinner. previously i had to eat 2 to 3 times what an average person ate with my activity, age to hold my weight @ at 155 pounds (5’8″tall). keep up the good work. i welcome comments from anyone that can help me or from anyone i can help in any way. gerald in nashville, tn
sandra June 21st, 2013 at 20:39
I have tried many of the remedies that Karen is mentioning and have had positive results over the years with the diet and rotation of foods. However, I’m still struggling with allergies and currently take allergy shots and get nutritional IVs to try and help the situation. I have not purchased Karen’s program yet as I’m wondering if any new information will be revealed. But I believe she is on the right track!
Hi Karen,
here is what I would do… I would give him a free copy of the program and encourage him to use it. He would than be one of your biggest supporters and advocates!! -
If only Johnny would take the time to research and satisfy himself as to the abundant science of intestinal permeability, he too could get well. There is plenty of research beginning with Dr. Haas and including but not limited to Natasha Campbell McBride and Alessio Fassano.
Keep up the good work Karen! Maybe Johnny will read these comments and see how many of us have over come GI illness without the help of GI docs.
Rene Hinds July 19th, 2013 at 11:13
Johnny is to be pitied. A study was done a year or so back where the researchers looked at actual data from published scientific research (in refereed journals) and compared these data to what the authors actually said about what they found. In about 40% of the cases examined there was a mis-match, most often in favor of some treatment by a drug. All this can be found on the NIH data base PUBMED; don’t have the link at my fingertips. The upshot of it all is that science as we know it today is for hire. If you can’t trust the data – or the presentation, how can you trust the conclusions? So who’s selling the snake oil now?Cynthia Kenyon is a researcher at UCSF, and she’s found that when sugar or simple starches are introduced into a diet, study organisms live about half as long, and their lives are slow and sluggish compared to organisms not fed this diet. She uses roundworms, but her work has been repeated in other laboratories with other organisms that contain a specific gene, also possessed by humans. I think if you were to do some research, you’d discover that there is a lot of research that would support what you are doing that you could quote back to Johnny. It will take some work on your part, but it will be well worth it to you to be able to defend your approach.
Much of what you are likely to find will never make it to the main-stream press, which, like science these days, is also for hire, or worse, dedicated to an agenda that encourages keeping ordinary people dumbed-down, either through mis-education or drugs. I wish you success, because I know there are lots of folks out there who will benefit from your approach.
Blessings to you,
Rene’ -
sandra July 19th, 2013 at 17:07
Hi, Karen,
So far, my energy levels are increasing, and I’m still in the pathogen cleanse phase of your program. I’ve had lots of help from medical doctors but have not been able to get over candida, so that’s why I’m trying your approach. This looks like a very comprehensive, well thought out program which makes sense to me. All the proof I need will be in the outcome over the next several weeks, but I do believe I’m seeing results already. Thanks so much, Karen.
Don’t lose any sleep about Johnny’s comments. Your clients will let you know the benefits they are receiving, and that’s really all that matters!
Denise July 26th, 2013 at 05:32
My 28 year old daughter was just diagnosed with this by a ” real” physician and your approach was almost exactly what he “prescribed” her. Not meds. Though it is a new diagnosis and she not I have purchased your books it appears from the free information we have read of yours you are advising the same treatment.
For generations we’ve been brought up to trust doctors. Many people truly believe the solution to their medical problems *must* come in the form of a pill or it isn’t true medicine or even scientific, it’s a scam. I am a scientist, and I’ve spent too much time working with other scientists who share this same peculiar (unscientific) outlook. My colleagues will look for solutions on the mainstream path, where everyone else is looking, and not find much. I am roundly criticized for thinking differently, looking into things that “can’t possibly work out,” and yet I am harshly rebuked, even hated, for finding a solution off the beaten path. Science is a creative endeavor and works best when some brave soul picks up the bits and pieces discarded by others and synthesizes an innovative solution. You can’t argue with what works; nature is the way it is. A closed mind like Johnny’s, no matter how well educated, ultimately is self-defeating.
Hi Karen:
I’ve been on a very similar program for almost four months and have spent a few thousands of dollars.
What you recommend is from years of research and is very true for a reason. It works! I waisted over 14 yrs of my life and now struggling with Leaky Gut cause no doctor ever told me that my autoimmune issues had anything to do with my gut. Now my recovery time will be much longer than desired.
The price people pay for obtaining the information of years of research is only pennies compared to what I’ve spent in the last 4 months.
So, those who like Johnny complain about your fees are ignorant of its true value.
Keep up the good work! May God bless you as you share you knowledge and your caring with those that truly appreciate and need your help.Becky
william August 16th, 2013 at 12:07
Karen….I just recently came across your information and printed some of it and read it. since reading the info, I have been on the gluten free diet and it definitely has helped. although I still have the pain and other symptoms, the severity is much better than it has been.
I’ve been thru countless doctors and I have taken every test known to man, only to be told, “they don’t know”. this has gone on for years. very discouraging. in the last two years, I’ve lost 45 lbs from not eating……..don’t eat because every time I do, I get so sick from it. I still am getting the pain and bloating, but not nearly to the extent that I was.
so……….i’m very grateful for your information and suggestions. I will try other suggestions in hope that I can eventually eat normally without all the sickness and pain .
thank you for your time and knowledge.
William (bill)
new Orleans, la. -
Deborah August 25th, 2013 at 09:18
How did you achieve all of the above was it through a change in diet
My response is don’t knock something until you try it. I have tried a limited diet before due to many digestive disorders and it definitely worked for me. I felt full of energy and lost 10 kilos – something which always seemed impossible before.
I am about to embark on your food rotation to see if this works for me, if not then I will go back to what I done before. Not everyone is the same so its a case of finding what suits you as an individual.
Jeannie September 3rd, 2013 at 01:53
You have very helpful information, some of which has already been helpful to me – snake oil and all, lol, just kidding! .Johnnie needs to go marching home!
I’m going to read more of it and see how it can help a child with food allergies. Any advice? -
Sounds to me like Johnny is very co-dependent on his doctors! Keep up the good work and thanks for figuring out what has had me frustrated for most of my life. I’m loving your snake oil!
Karen- I have just started implementing your gluten free program and am already feeling the overall benefits, chronic back pain has disappeared, bloating far less than what it was, arthritis is on the decline etc, overall health and energy massive improvement. I emailed my sister-inlaw who suffers from fibromyalga arthritis bowel problems chronic fatigue etc and like your Johnny is totally reliant on the doctors and drugs to help her, she is so willing to go for a colonoscopy for her bowel problem it is unbelievable, I think if they employed your technics and improved their health they would have nothing left to complain about, thus no more sympathy would be coming their way.
some people thrive on the attention they get that they can’t or won’t change no matter what the benefits are. -
Like so many people Johnny doesn’t want to do the work necessary to heal himself. He would prefer a magic pill which just isn’t going to happen. I agree with others that he should try your diet for a reasonable period of time – 3 months? 6 months? – and then decide if it’s snake oil. Sheesh! I would be dead if I had listened to a GI doc and an allergist. I’m grateful that I listened to my intuition and went to a doctor of oriental medicine.
Life got in the way and I didn’t stick with the diet. Then one morning I got up and I heard, “LEAKY GUT!” Got back on the diet immediately! -
Joyce Tamblyn October 26th, 2013 at 08:30
Oh, my! A note to Johnny, but am afraid that he won’t consider this. It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance, as Thomas Sowell says. Karen, you can’t help people like this. Until Johnny accepts what he has and decides to educate himself by reading all he can, and to listen to as many educated people as possible, he won’t get well. I’m 73 y.o. I have to be wheat-free, soy-free- eggs/dairy-free, corn-free, sugar-free or I’m terribly sick. I read as much as I can form anywhere I can, regarding LeakyGut & feel it’s a success if I can so much as get a recipe or any new tip that I didn’t know and can use! (love your sausage recipe) Anything worthwhile takes a lot of hard work, & it’s up to each person to decide how they want to live their life.
Hi Karen,
Everyone has choice and you are doing genuine good work for helping/share with others.
He is interested to find out cure but he did not agree/believe about your knowledge.
That is his choice and you would not take his comment personally.
So many people appreciate what you have been doing so I assure you that you are doing really good work for this society. So let it go about his comment.Most of Dr’s don’t even know what is leaky Gut?
If I could get your advise many years a go I did not suffer this far and all the awful medication and end off my marriage and suffer relationship with my daughter.Again don’t take it personal.
Kang Ja
Diane Smith November 15th, 2013 at 07:27
Hello Dear Karen,
Send all this beautiful testimony to Johnny. This is the support he needs. Keep up the excellent work because ALL good health begins in the gut. You’re spot on! -
Sheila November 15th, 2013 at 17:41
No snake oil. Just things the doctors don’t tell you and/or can’t help with. I’m looking forward to starting your program. There is a saying hurting people hurt people. Sometimes we say things out of desperation or frustration. But don’t doubt what you’re called to do. It’s obiviously is helping so many. God Bless
What he needs to remember is doctors are people of medicine and not food. They want to dish out tablet s not nutritional advice. That’s what they are paid to do. I have fibromyalgia and have been on the drugs and off the drugs. I feel better off the drugs but I’m still not right. I stumbled across this the other day and thought, I know a lot of my issues are food related but didn’t understand the how’s behind it. Next week I’m doing a total aloe Vera detox then starting a leaky gut diet. I want to be well, I don’t want to be a life time of drugs that don’t work
Suzanne March 21st, 2014 at 18:27
No snake oil….just personal knowledge!
Keep up the good work!
Lyn. Tisdell March 31st, 2014 at 15:25
No you are no quack! I have just found out I have this leaky gut problem .it is quite debilitating and the help you are giving has real benefits .i am doing much of what you recommend and am already getting relief. Forget Johhnny . He mustn’t be sick enough or he would give it a try. Mainstream doctors just really don’t know much about this condition. They are happy to give u drugs which do nothing but cost you money .and you still have the same problem . After 12 months of drugs I was even worse!
Don’t be put off by his cynical attitude. Keep going with your information.and thank you. -
Debbie April 1st, 2014 at 17:18
You have proven results from people who have actually used your methods. Hell, all doctors have are claims made by the pharmaceuticals companies and all the big pharma companies have are “scientific tests” done by THEMSELVES and their buddies at the FDA just go along with whatever they publish. There is BIG money in Big Pharma so the FDA just waives through drugs produced by the highest bidders.
Don’t stop what you are doing. We will win this fight against the government and big pharma one way or another.
Pauline April 14th, 2014 at 14:35
Hi Karen,
Here in the Netherlands lives a happy woman. Not long ago diagnosed as the owner of a leaky gut. Couldn’t find a lot practical Dutch advice. So I went abroad… 😉
Now about Johnny. There are millions of Johnny’s who look for help and cling to what they know, thinking that a pill will bring the answer, anything else can’t be right.
Never mind the Johnny’s of this world. You planted a seed… now he knows there might be another way.
Too bad there is no cure for not having an open mind.
Life is simple…. use the right food as medicine.
Kathryn May 10th, 2014 at 15:28
I recently stumbled across your website while researching ways to help my family. We carry the celiac gene. I have already learned from and been encouraged by your site. Please don’t allow one malcontent to discourage you. Thank you for your site.
Susan May 14th, 2014 at 08:40
I’m sorry you received such an obnoxious email. I recently discovered your site while searching for additional information on dealing with leaky gut and what you offer makes sense. I’ve applied many protocols over the last two years but continue to have problems. The food rotation protocol sounds feasible and I’ll be implementing it. Thank you and keep up the great work you are doing!
Janet May 30th, 2014 at 03:45
I want to say thank you for allowing us to download your books to benefit from them and for sharing your knowledge. Please keep on sharing what you have learned, it’s very beneficial to those of us who want to live a healthier and happier life! I used to go to the doctors often when I was much younger and only later realised that I was over-medicated and my health damaged because of that. I now prefer and seek out alternative treatment wherever possible and I feel better for it.
Unfortunately there will always be people like Johnny and we should pity them. They are very narrow minded and ultimately they are the one’s who lose out in so many ways. Janet
Eddie May 30th, 2014 at 17:47
Regarding my opinion,
I wouldn’t give what Johnny said too much credit. We don’t know what his qualifications are or what his agenda is. He could be a negative person that is just not very happy. Again I would take what he says with a grain of salt.
I haven’t technically started the program yet, but I have eliminated the inflammatory foods and I am taking many of the recommended supplements. It’s a tough thing to give up things that are tasty and sweet. Not eating pizza, fried chicken and burgers is very difficult to say the least. I’ve read many books on the subject and i do believe that a healthy diet is the key to great health. How can we expect our bodies to be healthy if we keep putting junk into them. Quality in, quality out like they say, or you are what you eat. How true is that. Like Hippocrates (the father of natural medicine) once said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”. He said that over 2,400 year ago, I believe. That man was ahead of his time for sure.
I say you don’t have too much to loose by trying the program. The program is not that expensive and eating healthy food will definitely not hurt you. I say, give it a shot and then share your experiences with others. Health & Happiness!
I have always been seeking alternative health care, because prescription drugs have tons of side effects and can be very harmful. In answer to the negative email you got, I think it is “snake oil” never finding cures and just giving people more and more drugs to take to never get well. I think our digestive systems are very important when it comes to having good health and that their is a lot of value and common sense in your program.
Shellie June 20th, 2014 at 06:25
I love your website. Ignore Johnny. Who is he anyway? My son has the auto-immune disease vitiligo and your website has helped discover that it may be caused by a leaky gut. He has used regular physicians without any permanent success or any reason as to why his vitiligo continued to spread. Due to your website we are assuming it may be caused by a leaky gut and are taking measures based on your direction. He is on a gluten free diet to start, and low and behold after 7 years of living with the disease his pigment is returning. Although your website is not the only one that speaks of a leaky gut, yours has definitely been the most informative. I strongly believe in the court of public opinion. Keep up the good work and thanks for your help!!
Dear Karen,
Thank you for your work on Leaky Gut. I am very grateful that you are working so hard to get the message out there.
As to your campaign, we are all working with the laws of attraction. I handle this force like a teacher. If I get someone “knocking on my door” with negativity, then I look to see how that same negativity is inside me. Did I also make too much noise? Did I try to manipulate using some force that isn’t the Light? If I did, I am weilding darkness like my nemisis. I surrender it into the field.
This is an important process for me in healing because until that negativity comes off of the structures, it can’t really, really heal. It is like lightning zapping through the body tissue and it stresses the mucosa very much.
I hope that you have enjoyed my comment and have found it instrumental. I have recovered myself from leaky gut and find it is always a big component in stabilizing my clients so they can go deeper. I hope this helps.
Mimi Castellanos
mimi@healthyenergetics.com -
wendy July 12th, 2014 at 09:28
I appreciate you! The only way Johnny would consider you approved is if the medical community gave you their blessing and if they did I would be questioning your methods!
Leaky gut has been studied and was discovered because of people with celiac disease read Scientific American August 2009, article called Celiac Disease Insights; Clues to solving Autoimmunity by Dr. Alessio Fasano. The article shows pictures of what is happing in the intestine and why. This work is SOOO important! I had leaky gut and still needed a few more tweaks to fully get well. Thanks Karen for your work and generosity.
I appreciate the information you have shared!
Thank you again!
Blessings! -
Jan Bjorke August 23rd, 2014 at 02:54
I have just started your program, but I have read most of what you have written. It makes perfect sense, and I have stopped eating all the white foods, and am already feeling better.Keep up you good work!
greetings, Jan
maybe he works for big pharma, an you are losing them money.,i see nothing wrong with your
help, you can:t have electricity without having some positive an negative, anyway i think you are good. -
Todd frye October 26th, 2014 at 04:22
Has Johnny ever had a headache? Can he prove it? Science can’t prove it! So NO ONE in this world has ever had a headache according to big pharma manipulated science!
Nicole B November 7th, 2014 at 06:57
I think Johnny is not happy with himself or his situation. He is taking out on you, and the fact he has not even tried any of the suggestions you offered is all the proof I need. Please continue because a lot of people myself included are looking for healthy ways to improve my health. Thank you!!
Jane Wallace February 9th, 2015 at 12:49
I do not know what I can say that has not already been said. I really enjoy reading all of your information and I am starting to put the info to good use. I have celiac disease and I was told that I do have Leaky Gut Syndrome so I am really pleased to be able to read more about it. Johnny needs to try the program before he knocks it. Keep on sending the info and I will keep on reading and keep on learning from it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
I truly do appreciate your assistance and knowledge with what I have been complaining about for many years!! I have consulted with many many Gastroenterologists, Neurologists, General Practitioners, and far to many tests and medications for other diseases. NOT good!! I have asked if this has been (and truly believe) “leaky gut” with NO assistance and told impossible for it to be so, from any of the above DR’s. You have given me insight and alternatives that NO ONE else even mentioned. I have been diagnosed and treated for Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, RA, and (again) to many diseases with no substantial results. With your words of wisdom, I have found relief, although I am still quite new to the program, I am very excited that I am already feeling the difference. (I knew that when I got a severe cramp or twitching in my muscles, that once I passed gas the cramp would go away. What was I doing wrong to create the gas in my BODY??? Well, now I know!!!)
Keep up the great work. This person isn’t able to take responsibility for his health through. Whenever we try alternative therapies it involves taking responsibility and too many people want to leave their health in the hands of a health care system that doesn’t really care for them.
The people that don’t try things are usually the ones that shout loudest about things not working.The guy holds a lot of fear inside him which is a shame as you could really help him. I got no where with UK doctors, over 20 years of various problems which i knew i shouldn’t be having. i even got told that my headaches were ‘because I was a woman’.
Keep going!!!
Chris g May 4th, 2013 at 03:41