Leaky Gut Syndrome Natural Health Advice for Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Mar
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    I’m not going to sugar coat this because this is something that is more important than most people realize.

    And I’m not going to debate research or any other opinions on the subject because I have personally witnessed on many occasions the impact that conventional and organic food can have on the body. And anytime there is Leaky Gut involved, this becomes much more important.

    I have had clients who were eating an extremely healthy diet but continued to struggle with issues until they finally made the switch to organic.

    And it’s because of two reasons…

    1. With Leaky Gut Syndrome, your liver is already under stress so the addition of even the smallest amount of toxic pesticides, preservatives, and other chemicals is oftentimes enough to push things over the edge.

    2. With Leaky Gut Syndrome, you’re already deficient in many key nutrients and conventionally raised food is lower in these nutrients. And your body needs as many nutrients as possible in order to replenish its nutrient stores and heal.

    But buying organic doesn’t mean that you have to shop at Whole Foods or some other high end grocery store and pay premium prices in order to get the healthy food you need.

    There are plenty of other options available and I’m going to share with you my own resources and how and where I get the best organic food at the best price for me and my family.

    Local Organic Food Sources

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  • Mar
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    One of the biggest questions I get from my personal clients is whether or not their allergies to certain foods will ever go away or will they have to eat a special diet forever.

    The short answer is NO, you won’t have to eat this way forever. But the long answer does get a little more complicated because not all food allergies are created equal. There are differences between genetic food allergies and intolerances of food allergies that are caused by leaky gut.

    Leaky Gut Food Allergies

    Leaky gut food allergies are immune reactions that you have due to the foods that are actually leaking through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream where your immune system attacks it. And typically, these are the foods that you eat most often. This is because the more you eat a certain food, the more it leaks into your bloodstream, so the larger the defense that your immune system develops.

    Once you heal your gut, these food allergies tend to disappear because they no longer present a problem to your immune system.

    Genetic Food Allergies and Intolerance

    There are also genetic food allergies and intolerances that can have a significant impact on your immune system, health, and chronic symptoms.

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  • Mar
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    I get a lot of questions from people about this and oftentimes people misunderstand what it is that I really do.

    Oftentimes I get labeled as a Nutritionist which is true to an extent. My education is in food science and human nutrition and I have extensively studied holistic nutrition for more than 10 years. And yes, nutrition is a huge piece of the overall puzzle and without it you’re not going to get lasting results. So there’s definitely a huge advantage to my nutrition background.

    But the way I practice involves much more than diet or nutrition alone. I practice Functional Medicine which looks beyond just food and works to determine the underlying cause(s) of your chronic symptoms.

    What is Functional Medicine?

    (From Wikipedia)

    Functional medicine is an emerging field of medicine grounded in the functional application of basic sciences. Some have coined functional medicine as patient-centered medical healing at its best. Instead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, its focus is on treating individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances and dysfunctions. Functional medicine seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease, and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties.

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  • Mar
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    What can you learn from prison inmates?

    Apparently, you can learn the truth about soy.

    I want to share an interesting story with you about the Illinois prison system and their experience with a high soy diet. In 2002, the governor of Illinois determined that it would be a great cost savings to the state to lower the cost of food in the prison system. So in 2003, inmates began receiving a diet high in processed soy protein as a replacement for meat. Up to 60-70 percent of the protein from every meal came from soy.

    It wasn’t long after that these prisoners began to experience chronic health symptoms such as:

    • chronic and painful constipation alternating with diarrhea
    • vomiting after eating
    • sharp digestive pains
    • heart palpitations
    • rashes
    • acne
    • insomnia
    • panic attacks
    • depression
    • hypothyroidism
    • brain fog
    • fatigue
    • weight gain
    • frequent infections
    • infertility (
    • after being released)

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  • Mar

    I Need Your Opinion

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    I get a quite a few emails from people who have used my program as well as others who have just picked up a few tips from me here or there. And it’s motivating to hear that my work is touching the lives of so many people who I’ve never met personally.

    But I also get some emails from skeptics and those who have been misinformed about their health that can’t quite seem to let go of their false thought processes and they refuse to accept that they do have the choice to heal themselves and regain their health.

    That’s why I wanted to get your opinion on an email that I recently received because I was a little taken aback by the nature of it, especially after the conversation that I had prior with this gentleman…

    I got an email from a man named Johnny a couple of days ago who sounded genuinely concerned about overcoming his gut problems and multiple chronic symptoms. And after taking the time to give him my personal advice, I wasn’t prepared for the email he sent me last night.

    Here’s the email he sent me…

    And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.

    To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.

    And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.

    What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…

    – Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?


    – Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?


    (by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)

    I really want your opinion on this…

    I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.

    Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.


    And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.

    To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.

    And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.

    What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…

    – Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?

    – Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?

    (by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has

    And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.

    To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.

    And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.

    What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…

    – Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?


    – Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?


    (by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)

    I really want your opinion on this…

    I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.

    Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.

    been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)

    I really want your opinion on this…

    I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.

    Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.

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  • Mar
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    I want to talk to you today about a single topic that pretty much revolutionized the success I get with my clients. When I started doing this with my clients, the effects were typically immediate. Not only was I getting better results, I was getting much faster results.

    Sub-Clinical Gluten Intolerance

    Many people are aware of gluten intolerance in the traditional sense of Celiac Disease which is a severe genetic autoimmune condition where gluten (found in wheat, barley, and rye) cannot be properly digested. This results in severe inflammation within the digestive tract that not only causes Leaky Gut Syndrome but also results in severe diarrhea, digestive pain, and fatigue.

    But not many people are aware of a much lesser known problem referred to as Sub-Clinical Gluten Intolerance. The term “sub-clinical” means that there are no obvious signs and symptoms.

    But while there are no obvious signs and symptoms, inflammation is still present but on a lesser scale. But this low grade inflammation can cause damage over years causing Leaky Gut and for your chronic symptoms to occur.

    In fact, there was a large scale medical study run in the US on chronically ill patients that were unresponsive to medical treatments. The researchers believed that there could be a dietary connection and thus used saliva testing for sub-clinical gluten intolerance on several hundred of these patients of which 85% tested positive.

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  • Mar
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    The last time we talked, I introduced to you the idea that saturated fats are not as bad as you think. It really has been trans-fats and the increased consumption of refined and rancid oils (like vegetable oil) that are the major culprits in this whole fat scandal that has been happening for the past 50 to 60 years.

    The major point that I wanted to get across last newsletter is that saturated fats are not bad and that it has much more to do with the quality of the fat itself. But let’s take it one step further. Another great quality of saturated fats is that they are very stable, especially at higher temperatures. Unsaturated fats on the other hand are much less stable and can easily become rancid and therefore toxic to your body.

    Olive Oil to the Rescue?

    And while everyone wants to tout the health benefits of Olive Oil, it happens to fall right into this category. Olive Oil is great for salads and side dishes but if you are cooking with Olive Oil at high temperatures then you might want to reconsider your choice of oils.

    The Best Oil for Cooking…

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  • Mar
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    When it comes to your gut and your health, saturated fats might be much more important than you think. In fact, what if I told you that saturated fats would help you heal your gut?

    Before you think I’ve gone off the deep end, let me introduce you to some interesting statistics about saturated fats. First, I want you to consider that prior to 1920 heart disease and cancer were almost unheard of. But since then, have a look at these trends…

    Between 1910 and 1970…

    • Animal fat consumption DECREASED by 21%
    • Butter consumption DECREASED from 18 lbs. per person per year to only 4 lbs.
    • Refined vegetable oils consumption (much of it trans-fats) INCREASED by 400%
    • Sugar and processed food consumption INCREASED by 60%

    Between 1970 to 2006…

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  • Mar
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    most-common-food-allergiesFood allergies (well the most common food allergies at least) are slowly beginning to get the recognition they deserve as being a big contributing factor to many chronic health symptoms. But few actually understand how involved these food allergies really are.

    While most people on lookout for the most common food allergies that produce an oftentimes life threatening reactions, there is a whole other world of food allergies that attack much slower and can do a large amount of damage over longer periods of time. And while the fast acting and severe food allergy reactions are easily identified, the slower and oftentimes delayed food allergies are much more difficult to pinpoint.

    Immediate Food Allergies vs. Delayed Food Allergies

    Immediate allergies are those reactions that are typically associated with a severe anaphylactic reaction from IgE immune antibodies. These are the reactions your doctor typically tests for using a skin-prick test while observing any reactions you develop within 15 to 30 minutes following the test. While these IgE allergies are important to know and understand, they only affect between 2% to 4% of the population.

    The vast majority and most common food allergies are oftentimes less severe delayed food allergies. These types of food allergies are a result of many different immune reactions including IgG and IgM antibodies as well as other immune complexes such as Hatpens, Lectins, and Amines. These immune reactions can appear anywhere between 30 minutes to 72 hours after a food has been ingested. But more importantly, these delayed reactions affect more than 15% to 25% of the population.

    These delayed food allergies are most often associated with less severe but often puzzling symptoms such as seasonal allergies, ADD, ADHD, asthma, eczema, GERD, IBS, Fibromyalgia, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and migraines, and just to name a few.

    6 Most Common Food Allergies

    1. Wheat

    Wheat and Wheat Gluten top the list as one of the most common food allergies. It continues to be an extremely problematic food for many people. In fact, some studies have shown that gluten is a problem for more than 50% of the population. But the majority of these people don’t even know it.

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  • Feb
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    dysbiosisDysbiosis is a condition that occurs when there is an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the gut. With today’s Standard American Diet (SAD) full of processed foods and sugar, it is more prevalent than ever. Most people shrug it and it’s symptoms off as nothing serious. But if it not attended to it can quickly develop into a much more serious problem called Leaky Gut Syndrome.

    If you are suffering from any of the leaky gut symptoms below, then you are knowingly or unknowingly suffering from a dysbiosis within your digestive tract. It is in your best interest to start the Leaky Gut Cure program before it gets any worse.

    1. Belching, Gas, and/or Bloating

    If you inflate like a balloon shortly after eating then you have a dysbiosis. Those harmful bacteria in your gut are feeding on your meal and producing gas as an unpleasant byproduct. This gas first starts to bloat your digestive organs until it eventually finds one of two ways to escape. You might get lucky if this gas results in a belch. But gas typically follows the direction of the digestive tract where it escapes as loud and/or foul smelling gas. These are also often the initial signs of the development of leaky gut.

    2. Constipation and/or Diarrhea

    You probably don’t realize it but the bulk of your stool is actually made up of live and dead bacteria from your digestive tract. If you are constipated then that is typically a sign that you lack enough beneficial bacteria or that yeast, fungi, or Candida has taken over. Diarrhea on the other hand is typically a sign that your body is trying to remove harmful bacteria or parasites in a hurry. Often times this is a losing battle. Either way, both conditions are a result of dysbiosis.

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