Natural Constipation Remedies
Filed under: Symptoms;by
It should be no surprise that constipation is a major problem among those who suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome. It is a common occurrence anytime that your digestive tract becomes dysfunctional. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural constipation remedies that can be very effective at helping you not only overcome constipation but to also help regulate your digestive tract and improve your health all at the same time.
Please Note: If you suffer from diarrhea which is also very common with Leaky Gut Syndrome, much of this still applies to you.
And most people seeking natural constipation remedies have been suffering from chronic constipation for many years. And this can have a significant impact on your health because if you are not removing your toxic waste then your body is reabsorbing it. You are also creating a breeding ground for bacterial infections, parasites, and Candida. And this is part of the process that is creating inflammation and holding you back from healing.
If you study the lifestyle habits of many different native cultures around the world that are without the influence of all of the Leaky Gut Syndrome causes, you’ll find that they have perfect digestion and do not suffer from Leaky Gut or any of the degenerative diseases that are common among us today. And under these conditions, it is commonly found that they have multiple bowel movements each day and typically one within 12 hours after every meal they eat.
So if you’re not finding yourself moving your bowels at least one to two times per day then you need to pay special attention to these natural constipation remedies.
Test for Bowel Transit Time
It should also be noted that even if you are going one or more times per day, you can still be constipated. Constipation is also a factor of your transit time. So, if you eat a meal and it takes two or three days before that meal reaches your colon and is eliminated then you are still constipated.
But you can easily test your transit time to ensure that it is in the 12 to 24 hour time frame which is considered normal.
Just follow these instructions below before using any of the natural constipation remedies in order to get a baseline of your transit time so you can measure improvement.
- After your next bowel movement, you can either eat red beats or find an all natural food coloring and add it to your meal.
- Keep a lookout and see how long it takes before you notice the red coloring and note the number of hours between
The red coloring from the beats or food coloring will not be absorbed and will be noticeable in your stool.
Natural Constipation Remedies
There are plenty of natural constipation remedies out there but it only makes sense to start with the basics before you start adding fibers or other laxatives. These are probably the most common sources of constipation so they are the best place to begin.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Dehydration
Regardless of your level of health, the vast majority of constipated people in the world are chronically dehydrated. They drink all kinds of other liquids, many of which are diuretics and cause them to lose even more water.
A general rule is to make sure that you are drinking a minimum of half your body weight (lbs.) in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 200 lbs. then you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water daily.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Sodium Chloride
It’s very common to avoid salt like the plague today. It’s been linked to heart disease amongst other health issues. And while this is somewhat true for highly processed and toxic salts, there’s another side of the story that you need to know.
We need salt in our diets in order to maintain the proper electrolyte ratios and to maintain our health. And most people need much more salt than they are getting.
And one of the functions of salt is to help your body to better absorb and utilize water which also helps with dehydration. If your body can’t absorb the water you drink then it sure can’t use it to relieve constipation.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Your Diet
Your diet has a big influence over your bowels, transit time, and constipation. Processed foods are a common cause of constipation because they disrupt the entire digestive tract as well as being low in natural fiber and void of essential nutrients. They also promote dysbiosis which greatly affects constipation more so than most people realize.
Food allergies are also something to take into consideration. A common symptom of food allergies is constipation so it’s best to determine and avoid the foods you are sensitive to.
Your diet should be focused around foods in their natural forms that are not processed and how Mother Nature intended them to be eaten.
While most people are stuck looking for a pill, powder, or miracle to fix their constipation, oftentimes the problem can be corrected with some simple lifestyle changes. So it’s important to rule out the obvious and put these natural constipation remedies to use before you jump ahead of yourself and introduce anything additional to your daily regime.
19 responses to “Natural Constipation Remedies” 
How much salt do we need?
sherry redmond September 21st, 2011 at 00:20
I would like to speak with you, or make an appointmnet. I have a serious condition with my 11 year old son. He has been home for the past 9 months and is in constant pain, I can hardly handle it anymore. Do you see patients? I live in Tampa/Wesley Chapel.
Diana Thompson December 13th, 2011 at 20:25
I just read your report. I discovered that I was doing 5 or 6 of the ideas already. I have been holding back a rotational diet because it just seemed too complicated. I did a 26 year mostly foggy life, and have lived through sorrow when I found out about it. During those years I married and began raising several children. I have a God that can “restore the years which the locusts have eaten” and I am okay.
I got mono-nucleosis in college and maybe it was than my problems really began. However, I use to lay my head on the desk to get through the school day in elementary. I didn’t count that in the 26 years.
I recently discovered a gluten intolerance by eliminating gluten. I have been working with a chiropractor that helped greatly. We are both learning from this!
I am sure your report will help me some more. I am planning to print of the rotational plan and see what I can do.
Thanks for my free report,
I enjoy studying since I have been really desperate-and relieved too.Diana
Diana, your story sounds just like mine. I discovered that I’m gluten intolerant and so is my 14 year old son. I too had brain fog and would sleep it off (until I had children) and then my life got difficult. I too believe that soon…God will restore me so that my youth will be restored like eagles. (Psalm 103:2-5). I had this before me all along, but I didn’t pursue the gluten issue until 10 years later…then naturally I discovered that the gluten had caused the leaky gut. Boy, Diana – our stories are so similar…I wonder how many other people have this same “story”. I’m so thankful for the internet and for all those willing to share. Thank you Karen. (I need to update my website/journal with the leaky gut diagnosis information.)
is there a correlation between Hashimoto Thyroiditis and Leaky Gut?
Cindy Watson March 23rd, 2012 at 20:19
I have been dragging (the kind of dragging around like you can’t get out of bed dragging) for almost 2 years! I finally got so sick about 6 months ago that I looked up a doctor to help me find out what was wrong. I have Adrenal Fatigue, Candida and Leaky Gut. I just found out last week that I have sensitivities to Dairy, Wheat, Yeast and Gluten.
Thank you for your site and I want to thank you for being so caring. We all feel so vulnerable and the anxiety is crazy! Thanks again-Cindy Watson -
Miriam August 5th, 2012 at 03:04
I know I have leaky gut, been juicing for 3 weeks now. Some days I noticed the burning mouth and inflamation flare up, even by just juicing….is ther something I am doing wrong? I am one who needs a “layout” or format to follow until i get things going. If that makes since. I know the Lord revealed this to me and will continue to reveal Himself, and I maybe just getting discouraged to the fact of playing this “guessing” game…Not really sure what my question is as much as is there a meal plan. Like some websites say LGS no carrots another say carrots, I am so confussed?
Gilliard December 31st, 2012 at 18:47
I am a 57 yr old female who was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2006 and since 2009, have been suffering from Fibromylgia and leaky gut. I have seen many Dr.’s naturapaths, chiropractors, etc. I recently had gum surgery and I now it is all interrelated. Thousands of dollars later, I am still suffing from pain. I have spent money on the latest and greatest supplements and some have worked for some time, and than the pain comes back. I have been trying to get off the Celebrex for the past three years, and just last week, found out that I now suffer from hypertension. Possible side effect of the anti-inflammatories.
Your work is so important, as most people still are in the dark about leaky gut. I work in a hospital and educate my patients that seem to possess the symptoms.
Thank you.
Mareez January 31st, 2013 at 06:33
Dear Karen,
Thanks for the information posting here. I suffer very hardly with constipation. When i get a very little constipation then i find very hard headache and later vomiting then soar throat. I have no digestion to eat food. If I eat dinner then till tomorrow lunch I can’t feel hungry.
What is your advice for me to get out of this sicky life.
Hi Karen,
I read your site with keen interest. I am a 67 year old women who has suffered abdominal pain almost daily for 3 years. I have been thriough most of standard testing, and ony tests that were positive were for hiatal hernia, gastritis, and food allergys. Testing showed a sensitivity to all my favorite foods, naturally. It has taken me two years to get to the point of saying ok I am ready to try to fix this. It has seemed impossible for me to cut out everything I am allergic to but as you know, sometimes you have to get pretty desperate before you are willing to really do what needs to be done. My allergies are bananas, eggs, oats, dairy, coconut, cashews, avocado,pi carrots, pineapple, peanuts, tomatoes(sob) some beans, and both kinds of yeast- bakers and brewers yeast, which of course means no breads, I just recently learned that blueberries, strawberries, dried fruit, and even honey have yeast on their skins and that is exactly what I have been having In my green smoothies for two years! I thought I was doing myself a good thing by having all these good foods including kale, spinach,oranges, apples,and the berries everyday, but I have to admit I am feeling no better. I frequently cheat on the foods that are only a +1 on the food sensivity list. The +4’s on the list are the yeast and tomatoes. When I break down once In a while and have a piece of great bread or tomatoes when out to eat, three days later I have very painful cancer sores in my mouth and increased aching and bloating in my belly.Sorry this was so long. i am not a complainer and so do not talk about this very often, so i guess i am venting about this to someone who can relate. I really just just have 2 questions for you:
1. Won’t almost all foods have yeast on them since yeast is everywhere in the air? And…how do I fix that?
2. Why do you mention( on the example food rotation diet) having food for lunch that you had for supper the nite before, since you say not to eat the same thing again for four days?Thank you for what you are doing. I will be ordering your ebook shortly.
Beth C. -
Denise Robinson July 16th, 2015 at 10:42
Hi, I have constipation issues an several problems due to inflammation. It took two full days for corn to leave my body. Don’t know symptoms or even what leaky gut syndrome is. Have had all these problems for years. Also have hypothyroidism and narcolepsy and swollen joints all over me. I thank God I don’t have RA, but have been told I have complex regional pain syndrome. Is it the food I eat. I eat all grilled meat, very little starchy food, fruits and veges. All so called organic. I’m rather small 102 lbs, five feet one an a half inches tall. I also have fybromyalgia, have little energy, can’t concentrate on anything. Can’t sleep without clonazapam. Can you help by telling me what to eat somehow or the symptoms. I just read several post from people with similar problems. I did down load several of your articles and plan on reading them. Thank you, Denise
V Kaye August 20th, 2015 at 00:08
I find that beet juice from eating beets seeps ahead in the intestines and will arrive to the toilet sooner than the solid beets and food of that meal. Corn sounds like a good test food because it’s not digested well and you can see it in the stool.
Thanks for an interesting article. -
Hi, I have had digestion issues for several years. I think it started with a bacterial infection, which could not be determined because I was prescribed an antibiotic before they tested. But, since then, its been up & down. I thought leaky gut may be the culprit, but I don’t have constipation. It is painful diarrhea. Does this mean i can rule out leaky gut?
Today is Day 116 on the Leaky Gut Diet. I have had five years and one month of chronic dump diarrhea. I was getting better on the LGD until a load of stress hit me and I have reverted back to mega diarrhea. I am still on the diet and will remain on it. Any encouragement or help with this diarrhea other than the diet. I was constipated for 60 yrs. and after the prep for a colonoscopy my body never reset. I feel like a prisoner in my home and the medical profession do not seem to have suggestions aside from more colonoscopies, $2,600 prescriptions that did no good, lactose free diets, then eat lots of yogurt, gluten-free diets, rice water diets, etc. Nothing has helped. Please, please, please help me if you can.
Mandee August 9th, 2011 at 22:13